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Unlocking Your True Potential: The Power of Personal Values

Years ago, after a failed business, and a bout of ill health, I ended up going back into the tech world, securing a Project Management role. I wasn’t entirely happy about it, but needs must, as they say. 

I used to believe that the first 3 months of a new job are not to be used to make a decision that something is not working for you. Arguable not even 6 months, as you are only just getting to know the role, expectations and the organisation. But 2 years in, I was really unhappy with the job and I didn’t understand why. 

I was struggling and so reached out to a Cognitive Hypnotherapist I had connected with during my brief period in the realms of being self employed. But one of the sessions she did was on my value set around work.

In one session, we had identified my values and I was staggered!

As I looked at them, I realised that my existing job ticked 4 out of the 5 top values I had identified. I did a complete 180 in that session and realised actually, there was much to love about where I was! 

It was then that I realised the REAL meaning of values.

Imagine waking up every day feeling energised, motivated, and clear about your purpose. Now, contrast that with the feeling of dragging yourself through the motions, unsure of why you’re doing what you’re doing. The difference between these two experiences often comes down to one critical factor: your personal values.

The Benefits of Knowing Your Values

Why are values so important? Simply put, they are the foundation of our identity and the driving force behind our actions. Research by the Journal of Organisational Behaviour found that employees who are clear about their values are more likely to experience job satisfaction and personal well-being. Companies like Google and Apple have demonstrated that aligning corporate values with employee values leads to greater innovation and success. But what exactly are values, and how do they shape our lives?

What Are Values?

Values are the deeply held principles that guide our decisions, behaviours, and interactions. They are our moral compass, helping us distinguish right from wrong and informing what’s truly important to us. Values like honesty, integrity, and compassion influence our thoughts and actions, more often than not, unconsciously. They affect everything from our career choices to our relationships.

The Role of Values: More Than Just a Moral Compass

Values do more than just guide our ethical behaviour; they are critical in shaping our vision, mission, goals, for even stronger decision-making processes.

  1. Vision and Mission: Personal and professional visions are often rooted in our values. For instance, if innovation is a core value, your vision might involve pioneering new technologies or methods. Companies with a strong mission statement that reflects their values tend to perform better. A Harvard Business Review study found that mission-driven companies have 30% higher levels of innovation and 40% higher levels of retention.
  2. Goal Setting: Clear values that have already been aligned with your Vision and Mission, will help you set meaningful and achievable goals. According to Tony Robbins,  A Life and Business Strategy Coach, when you align your goals with your values, you’re more likely to stay committed and motivated, bringing long lasting fulfilment.
  3. Decision Making: Values serve as a decision-making framework, ensuring that choices align with what matters most. Whether deciding on a particular course of action,  or resolving a conflict, values provide clarity and confidence. According to a study in the Journal of Business Ethics, leaders who base decisions on their values are perceived as more trustworthy and effective.
  4. Time Allocation: Values help prioritise time and energy on what truly matters, reducing stress and increasing productivity. UK-based time management expert Graham Allcott, author of “How to be a Productivity Ninja,” suggests that aligning your schedule with your values can lead to a more balanced and satisfying life.
  5. Avoiding Distractions In the fast-paced world of finance, it is easy to get distracted by short-term gains or external pressures. However, values help accountants and bookkeepers stay focused on their long-term goals. By adhering to their core values, they can avoid the pitfalls of shortcuts and maintain a steady course towards achieving their vision.

But more than that, can you imagine  what aligning each layer of vision, mission, goals and actions each and every day, week, month, quarter could do for you and your business? To maintain a focus that is easy and effortless, just because it is already Important for you at a deeper level? What could you achieve? Where would you be?

Where Do Values Come From?

Values are shaped by various influences throughout our lives. Family upbringing, cultural background, education, and personal experiences all play a role. For example, if you grew up in a family that valued education, you might prioritise learning and personal development.

Values can also evolve. A transformative experience, such as travel or a career change, might shift your values. Oprah Winfrey’s career evolution reflects this; her early values of financial success gave way to a focus on personal growth and empowerment.

How to Identify Your Values Exercise

  1. Reflect and List: Start by listing values that resonate with you. Reflect on experiences when you felt truly happy and fulfilled—what values were you honouring at those times?
  2. Prioritise: Narrow down your list to your top five values. This can help clarify what is most important to you and guide your actions accordingly.
  3. Set Goals: Use your top values to set aligned goals. If one of your top values is creativity, set goals that allow you to express and nurture this value.
  4. Make Decisions: Before making decisions, consider how each option aligns with your values. This can lead to choices that are more satisfying and authentic.
  5. Allocate Time: Align your daily and weekly schedules with your values. If health is a top value, prioritise exercise and healthy eating in your routine.

Linking Values to Success

Successful individuals and organisations often have a clear set of values that guide their actions. Warren Buffett, for example, attributes his success to his values of integrity and honesty. Companies like The Body Shop emphasise environmental sustainability, attracting loyal customers who share similar values.

Studies show that living in alignment with your values can lead to increased happiness and success. According to research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, individuals who live according to their values report higher levels of well-being and life satisfaction.

Curiosity Keeps the Journey Alive

As you embark on the journey of identifying and living by your values, remain curious. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What values do I admire in others?
  • How have my values changed over time?
  • In what ways can I better align my actions with my values?

By continuously exploring and refining your values, you ensure that they remain a dynamic and powerful force in your life.

Understanding and aligning with your values is not just a self-help cliché; it’s a practical approach to living a more fulfilling and successful life. As you reflect on your values and integrate them into your daily actions, you’ll find greater clarity, confidence, and satisfaction.

By recognising and living according to your values, you unlock your true potential and pave the way for lasting success and happiness. So, what are your core values, and how will you start living by them today?

If you are interested in finding out more – get in touch.