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Time to meet your pragmatic can do supporter and guide for  greater Emotional Calm and Mental Balance

kim searle

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About Kim

Welcome to Emotional Mastery with myself, Kim Searle, before we start let me tell you a little about my background. 

Today I run my own Emotional Mastery Company helping people to overcome emotions that may have been held inside since childhood or have been involved in an experience never forgotten. 

Clients, who work with me, become more confident, have an increased sense of well-being, and are emotionally stable, happy to move on with their lives. They feel empowered by what they have learned, understanding that their past is no longer part of their future,  this benefits not only themselves but their family and friends.

I love that I am now in the privileged position to help them feel safe, appreciated, and respected – as I was once that same person.

My life as it is now,  was not always as risk-free – Let me tell you more……

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered who was looking back at you?

Me too – I was 36 years old at the time.

Having split up with my husband, I was holding down a demanding job and raising two young children. I was physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually overdrawn, and I was running on empty.

In hindsight I realise this was my wake-up call, for several years I functioned on autopilot and never gave myself the time to heal and reflect. These desperate times effectively led to my own corporate burnout. I then decided to find the way back to myself and did this by training in counselling, coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

My training gave me considerable insight into how my past had affected the present only then did I realised my breakup was less to do with my husband and more to do with my own doubts, fears, and needs. It was at that point that I decided to move forward and help others to do the same.

The first step was the hardest I knew I had to take action to help others

I further trained as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and have spent the past twenty years, tapping into powerful techniques across many therapies to help clients take back control. become empowered; be happier; healthier and wiser about the hidden keys that can unlock their lives.

This is what I help people with today – I’d like to do the same for you.

Find out about my self-help book Midlife Is Not a Crisis

Find out where you are coming from BEFORE you make those life-changing decisions

About me

Typical reasons people come to see me:

  • Work challenges such as performance, presentations and confidence
  • Major life events such as bereavement, divorce, illness or aging parents
  • Corporate burnout or seeking burnout recovery
  • Relationship challenges with colleagues, family or spouse
  • Emotional and health issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, frequent colds, IBS etc

Are You Ready?

  • To learn how to make changes easily?
  • To break habits that no longer work for you?
  • To develop behaviours that support a more empowered you!

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